Feature Release - 15.02.2022

Posted over 2 years ago by help@hopsoftware.com

help@hopsoftware.com Admin

Yesterday we released some changes to the Booking Engine and Shop in terms of look, feel and configuration plus two updates to Events.

In parallel to this, we have redesigned and relaunched the Hop App and will communicate this with those properties using it directly. In the meantime, if you are using the HopApp, please ensure that you and your customers download the latest version from the App Store or Google Play store to ensure you do not miss out on these new features. If you are interested in finding out more, please contact sales@hopsoftware.com

Please share this with all relevant staff at your property. We would love to hear your feedback on our new features; please feel free to use the Comments section below.


  • Stored cards on the Booking Engine and Shop
  • Layout of the Shop Configuration page
  • Different styling for the Booking Engine and Shop
  • Hide star ratings from the Shop
  • Hide Book Events button on the Shop
  • Manage Events - Choose columns
  • Event Revenues Report - Booker details

Stored cards on the Booking Engine and Shop

If a customer is logged into their account whilst making a reservation or placing a Shop order, they will now be prompted to save their credit card details:

The next time they log in, they will be able to decide whether to enter a New Card or use an Existing Card instead:

This feature works to enhance the account login functionality already in place, whereby customers can view their Purchase History and click Order Again without having to reinput the same details again.

Layout of the Shop Configuration page

To make it easier for users to navigate, we have re-arranged the layout of the screen in Shop Configuration screen and grouped related options together into tabs, to save users scrolling and searching through a long list of items:

No material changes have been made to its functionality, other than the specific features described below.

Different styling for the Booking Engine and Shop

In addition to the above, we have now added a ‘Look and Feel’ section in Shop > Configuration so that different branding can be applied to your Shop pages as opposed to your Booking Engine, as shown in the example here:

Changes to the Booking Engine Styling can still be configured in Administration > Booking Engine however changes to the Shop can be made in the Shop > Configuration section.

Please contact help@hopsoftware.com if you would like to find out more about the types of changes that can be made and by whom.

Hide star ratings on the Shop

As part of the ability to have separate styling for the Booking Engine and Shop, we have removed star ratings from the Shop pages, which until now were displaying the same rating and logo as the Booking Engine which was not always appropriate.

Hide Book Events button on the Shop

We have now added a new setting for Hop customers using the Ticketed Events functionality but prefer to process ticketing in-house rather than sell them through the Shop. If you go to Shop > Configuration and look at the bottom of the 'Details' tab you will see a new tickbox called 'Hide Book Events button' as you can see here:

This will not affect how the PMS works, and just hides the 'Book An Event' button from your Shop pages, so if you do use the Shop but do not use Events it is not necessary to tick this box as it only appears if you have Event slots setup.

Manage Events - Choose columns

We have added the ability to add or remove columns on the Manage Events page. This will allow you to and is particularly useful if viewing this page on a smaller screen (e.g. laptop) or if your functions have long names. By default, all existing columns are pre-selected so that your current experience is not affected however you can now choose to remove any columns that you like if you do not need them by clicking on ‘Choose Columns’ as shown below and then add them back in again later, if needed:

Your choice of columns will not only be remembered by the PMS if you use the Print option on this page, but it will also be stored as a cookie on your computer so that the next time you log in on the same machine, you will see the same columns.

Event Revenues Report - Booker details

At the request of a member of the Hop community, we have added a new column to the Event Revenues Report called “Booker” within which you will find that the name of the event organiser is clickable: 

When pressed, a pop-up window will appear and display for you their name and contact details:

2 Votes


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