Feature Release - 24.08.2021

Posted almost 3 years ago by DLawrence


This feature release includes several fantastic new features for the App and Booking Engine, as well as announcements about new integrations with Hop.


  • App - Recommendations
  • Shop - Pull Order overview for Events onto a function sheet
  • Shop - Google Analytics and Facebook Pixel tracking
  • Booking Engine - Show availability on calendars when selecting dates
  • Hide Promo Code box on first page of Booking Engine
  • Link card to both Reservation and Reservation Item when creating a booking
  • Integration with Google
  • Integration with Review Pro
  • Integration with Visit Scotland

If you are using the Hop App, please ensure that you download the latest version from the App Store or Google Play store to ensure you do not miss out on these new features!

Please share this document with all relevant staff at your property. We would love to hear your feedback on our new features; please feel free to use the Comments section below.

App - Recommendations

The latest version of the App will now allow you to provide tailored information to your guests on local attractions, things to do and transport links.

To set these up, please navigate to Administration > POI/Locations within the PMS. You will then be able to set up Points of Interest, Locations and Transport. These will then be displayed to your guests within the App in the new "More…" section:

Please note that you are asked for the latitude and longitude of each item that you enter so that a link to Google Maps can be displayed within the App (the guest will be able to see this by clicking the >> icon shown above). You can find this information on Google Maps by right-clicking on the location you wish to link to and the latitude and longitude will be displayed at the top of the menu for you:

Shop - Pull Order overview for Events onto a function sheet

For ticketed events within the Hop Shop, you are now able to print out an overview of the attendees in the form of a summary and list of orders. To do this, you must have enabled the event to be managed within the Shop and then you will be able to see a new option in Events > Manage Events called Print Orders:

Clicking on this will allow you to view and print a multi-page document containing a summary of your event at the top followed by a list of orders underneath, with key information such as names, contact details, the slot booked, amount paid and amount due.

Shop - Google Analytics and Facebook Pixel tracking

As with the Booking Engine, we have now added the ability to track Shop events on the Hop Shop as well. To set this up, simply head to Shop > Copnfiguration and enter your GTM number or Facebook Pixel ID number in the boxes at the bottom of the screen:

Booking Engine - Show availability on calendars when selecting dates

The calendar on the Booking Engine has been given a fresh, modern, look and now uses one single calendar instead of two separate ones. It will also now give an indication of your property’s availability by greying out and dates that are full.

By default, it will select the current date and the next day:

However, just click on a new date once to select your arrival date and then a second date to select the departure date:

If you try and select dates that overlap with a date where there is no availability it will not let you select.

If a mistake is made, simply click the button in the top right-hand corner to clear your selection and start again:

The new calendar has also been implemented on the second (results) page of the Booking Engine as well if a guest needs to change their dates:

Hide Promo Code box on first page of booking engine

We have added the ability to hide the Promo Code box on the first page of the Booking Engine. This is for hotels that do not use promo codes and therefore do not need to foreground this box for customers looking to book.

To set this up, simply go to Administration > Booking Engine in the PMS and scroll down to the Configuration section. You will see a new tick-box called 'Hide Promo Code Box on Landing Page'

Once this has been done it will immediately take effect on your Booking Engine:



Link card to both Reservation and Reservation Item when creating a booking

When manually adding a payment to a Reservation or Reservation Item, you have the ability to tick a box to link the card information to both the RES and the RESX numbers. We have now mirrored this behaviour for OTA bookings (where a card has been supplied) and Booking Engine reservations as well.

Integration with Google

Hop has partnered with Google Hotels to be able to offer you the chance to take reservations directly from Google. If a customer carries out a search for your hotel or area on Google, they will now not just see prices and links to the OTAs that you work with (e.g. Booking.com and Expedia) but also there will be a link called 'Official Site' which will take customers through to your Hop Booking Engine to complete a reservation. This can be accomplished through free booking links as well as Google Hotel Ads, if you wish to pay for additional marketing on top of this.  Please contact help@hopsoftware.com for more information about this, however we will send out further information regarding this in due course as hotels are added to this programme incrementally. 

Integration with Review Pro

We are pleased to confirm that hotels that work with Review Pro are now able to automatically export guest lists from directly within the PMS for use with customer surveys set up in Review Pro. To set this up, go to Administration > Integrations in the PMS and look for the Review Pro section. Tick the Active box and then fill in your FTP credentials (username and password) as well as your Review Pro hotel Code/PMS ID as shown below. 

Data for previous dates can be back-filled. This is useful if a hotel wants to send surveys for previous dates, however if the guest has checked out over 30 days ago, the survey for this guest has expired and will not be generated. Review pro also won't send the survey to a guest more than once within 30 days, so repeat guests don't get multiple surveys.

Integration with Visit Scotland

Finally, we are pleased to announce that we have completed development work on our long-awaited integration with Visit Scotland. Any users that are listed on Visit Scotland’s website will soon be able to receive reservations directly into Hop at no extra cost. Please contact help@hopsoftware.com for more information about this, however we will send out further information regarding this in the coming days and weeks.

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