Product Release - 29.4.2019

Posted over 5 years ago by Admin

This feature release includes updates on several reports, the option to create an invoice prefix and a new filter on your sales view.


  • Sales View - Rate Plan Filter
  • "Out of Order" status logic - update
  • Arrivals Report - update
  • Occupancy Reports - additional rooms
  • Reservation Articles Report - update
  • Rate Plan Report - update
  • Invoice Previx

Sales View - Rate Plan Filter

Following a request from of one of the members of the HOP community, you can now filter the Sales View screen by rate plan. Click on the drop-down menu to select one or more rate plans and the results will be displayed below.

Furthermore, we have also improved the “Search for accounts…” facility so that if you are search for a specific corporate account and that company has a preferred rate plan saved in your Corporate CRM database, this will be highlighted in the Sales View:

Out of Order rooms

To being HOP into alignment with a number of other property management systems, when a room is put Out of Service, this will not be taken into account by your occupancy figures, or any Yield Management rules that may be in place, and you will still be able to sell or allocate bookings to this room type. This would be useful in the following scenario, for example:

There is a group of rooms that you generally do not use in the low season (say, the top floor or the Annexe Rooms). You would thus put them to ‘Out of Service’ however if you receive a sudden influx of bookings, you will be able to allocate the rooms as needed. 

The definition of Out of Order and Out of Inventory remain unchanged and rooms in these states are not included in occupancy figures.

Arrivals Report

The Arrivals report can already be completely customised. We have now added a “Layout” column to the arrivals report, as one of the column headers you can choose to include in the report if you wish:

This will be useful for those of you who need to provide this information to your housekeeping staff so that they can plan their linen for the day ahead.

New rooms added – occupancy reports

If new rooms are added to your property in HOP, we have now made the necessary adjustment so that they are automatically only included in occupancy data and the Sales View from the that date they were added.

Reservation Articles report

This report has been updated so that it now includes rate plans that have been derived from other rate plans.

Rate Plan report

This report has been updated so that it now includes rate plans that have been derived from other rate plans.

Invoice Prefix

You can now choose to set a prefix for your Invoices. You can set this up in Accounting Manager > Company Invoice Details. The prefix you set here (e.g. “HH” for Hop Hotel”) will show on all your invoices before the INV number, so INV01234 will appear as “HHINV01234” as per above example.

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