Product Release - 17.4.2019

Posted over 5 years ago by Admin

This feature update introduces the Custom Sales Ledger to HOP, by which you can record and manage credit facilities and payment terms with corporate customers. We’ve also updated the Function Sheet functionality and altered several reports, furthermore every report is now available as a CSV download, so you can process data externally, should you wish to do so.


  • Custom Sales Ledger
  • Status as a custom field for Function Sheets
  • Rate plans report alteration
  • CSV exports on reports
  • Close out the whole property for a day

Custom Sales Ledger

We are pleased to announce the launch of the custom sales ledger, a feature which will allow you to closely and robustly monitor your customer ledger accounts. Linked in with changes to the Corporate CRM, which has been modified to allow you to record individual credit facilities and payment terms that you have agreed with each corporate customer, the Custom Sales Ledger (CSL) has two areas: Accounts Overview and Accounts Report.

The Accounts Overview shows you at-a-glance totals for the current balance and credit limit of each of your corporate clients and allows you to record payments to clear invoices, and the Accounts Report allows you to export a list of these customers that shows their current outstanding balance and overdue amount so that you can chase up your debtors promptly and efficiently.

To enable this feature, please go to Administration > Property and tick ‘Enable Customer Sales Ledger (CSL)’

Status as a custom field for Function Sheets

At the suggestion of one of the members of the HOP community, we have now added the option for you to select the event status (e.g. offer, provisional, confirmed etc.) from the default list of custom fields when creating an event Function Sheet.

Rate plans report alteration

We have now added a filter to the rate plan report, which you can use to exclude any non-accommodation values from this report’s figures. This means that you can now see exactly how many room nights have been booked for each rate plan on a room only basis, regardless of the extras that might be included in the rate(s) usually.

CSV exports on reports

For your convenience, the following reports in HOP now include the option for you to export them as CSV files:


  • Arrivals
  • Stay Overs
  • Departures
  • Services
  • Provisional Reservations
  • Reservation articles
  • In House
  • Table bookings
  • Turn aways


  • Payments
  • Payments Summary
  • Automatic payments
  • Revenues
  • Room Revenues
  • In House Balance
  • Voids
  • Invoice Accounts
  • Trial balance
  • House Account Report
  • Discounts
  • Refunds


  • Rate plans


  • Housekeeping Report
  • Housekeeping Daily


  • Marketing Revenue

Close out the whole property for a day

We have now given you the ability to quickly close out all rooms in your property at the click of a button. If you go to Housekeeping > Service Status and then click on the “+Add” button (in the same way as you would if you wanted to close out a single room because it was out of order) you will now see that there is a ‘Select All Rooms’ button. You can still use the drop-down menu above to select one or more specific rooms to close out manually, however this feature will save you time if you need to remove all rooms from your inventory for a short space of time.

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