Product Release - 05.03.2019

Posted about 6 years ago by [email protected]

This release introduces Modular User Rights Management to HOP, along with an upgrade of your Yield Management Tool and the addition of several reports, as well as report download options.

Please share this document with any relevant staff and don’t hesitate to contact us via our help desk should you have any queries or requests about the recent changes.

This release contains a number of updates that are based on requests from members of the HOP Community and subsequently developed. If you have specific requests on additions to our functional range, don’t hesitate to send us a request via help desk, we’re always looking for ways to improve and expand a system that is innovative and industry leading.


  • Modular User Rights Management
  • Yield Management Upgrade
  • Room Schedule Menu Change
  • Event Estimations – Revenue Forecast
  • Reservations – Status Change
  • Reports – csv Downloads
  • Pro Forma Invoice update
  • Referral Source
  • CRM Follow up leads

Modular User Rights Management

In this release, we’ve updated the user rights management area of hop. You can still chose from predefined user rights (like “Housekeeper”, Admin, etc.) but going forward you can also configure those yourself: Click on Users, Manage User Roles, then “+Add Role”. Provide a name for the User Role, like “New Housekeeping”, for example and select activities this role should be able to carry out in hop, add as many individual activities from the drop down as you need, then click “save”. Next, either set up a new user (“Create User”), or edit an existing profile in “Manage Users”. If you’re editing an existing user, you’ll notice the previous roles are still assigned in the “HOP Roles” field, below it “Property Roles” is where you can attribute the custom created roles. Please note that HOP Roles override property roles, HOP Roles are the same for the particular user for any property the user has access to, Property roles can be set up differently for each property accessed by the user.

Yield Management – new rule

We’ve added a new type of rule to your Yield Management Tool, which allows you to manage a time limited discount. Click on Rates, Yield Management and “+Add” to setup a new rule. Under Rule Type, chose Timed Discount from the drop down. You can now set a time frame for a rate decrease (or increase) by entering values in the “Start Time” and “End Time” fields and populating the other relevant fields. Don’t forgot to tick the “Active” checkbox at the bottom and press save. On the Yield Management Dashboard, set the priority of this new rule accordingly to your needs by clicking and dragging it into position.

Room Schedule Menu Change

As of this release, the menu on the Room Schedule screen, under Reservations, is visible on top of the page, whereas previously it had been under the “more” button at the bottom of the screen. Per default, “Show unallocated” is selected to show all unallocated reservations, so that is more obvious. If you click and hold on a reservation, you can move it to a different room (unless the reservation has been locked), click save after your changes before leaving the page. By clicking “create new” you can place a reservation by dragging and dropping the cursor on the room – date matrix. You can also set a room to out of order or out of service by clicking “create new” and then “Block”. You’ll also notice that reservations on Room Schedule now show with a coloured corner – this indicates whether the reservation is paid for or has an outstanding balance.

Event Estimations – Revenue Forecast

We have added a new tab and functionalities to the event management area with this release. When you edit an existing event, that has not been charged to a House Account yet, or create a new one, you will notice the additional “Revenue” tab. This will show the forecast revenue, derived from the articles you have added to the event. You can also manually edit and override the values by clicking the pencil icon next to the Forecast Revenue Field. In line with this, we have added a new report – Event Revenues (under Reports, Finance), which shows Forecast vs Actual Revenue and further event data that can be filtered and displayed. This report is also available for csv- and pdf download.

Reservations – Status Change

On request of a member of the HOP Community, we’ve added an option to the Manage Reservations Screen. If you have a provisional reservation (RES), containing several room reservations (RESX), you already could confirm individual rooms by selecting “confirm room” from the drop down on the RESX level. Once you have confirmed a room, going forward you’re also able to revert it to unconfirmed by selecting “Mark as provisional” in the same drop down.

Reports – CSV Downloads

As of this release, the Occupancy Report and the Rate Plan Report are also available as a csv download. This gives you the option to export the date and process it in MS Excel and or other applications.

Pro Forma Invoice update

For Reservations (RES and RESX level) you can now chose to show paid deposits on the pro forma invoice. On the transaction screen of the reservation, select “Export Pro-forma Invoice with Deposits” to download and process the pdf file.

Referral Source

On request of a HOP Community member we’ve added another reporting field to the system. When creating a reservation, alongside Market and Source you can now also chose values for “Referral Source”, this could be “Social Media”, “Advert” etc. First, you will need to go to Administration – Option Sets. Click the “Add” button and select “Referral Source” as your option type. Then, enter option values, which should be available in the system, and click save. When you enter or edit a reservation, you can now chose any of those values in the “Referral Source” drop down menu. Corresponding with this, we have added “Referral” to the Marketing Report (Reports, Marketing), which can also be downloaded as a csv file.

CRM Follow up leads

You can now log follow up leads in your HOP CRM to organise keeping in touch with potential customers. Go to CRM, Dashboard and click “New Lead” to add a follow up lead. Provide a title and comment and assign to one of your users and/or a user team (which can be set up in option sets). Select a Related person or account from your CRM Database by typing in the respective fields, or click the “+” icon on the right to create new contact details a prospective guest or client. Click “save” to capture and save the new lead.

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