Product Release - 09.01.2019

Posted almost 6 years ago by Admin

Our first release of  2019 includes updates on the functional range of Emails sent via HOP, the  Events Management module, the Booking Engine and several reports.

Please share this  document with any relevant staff and don’t hesitate to contact us via our help  desk should you have any queries or requests./CRM.


  • - Multiple Confirmation Emails
  • - Charge per person (Events)
  • - Print function sheets (Events)
  • - Time limit for same day  bookings
  • - Extended Company Details  (Booking Engine)
  • - Add Credit Card logos (Booking  Engine)
  • - Merge Corporate Profiles
  • - Name conventions
  • - Metric Comparison Report
  • - CRM Reports


Multiple  confirmation Emails

Several new members of the HOP family have requested the option  to have several confirmation letters (for individual and corporate bookings)  available within HOP. We have included this feature in the current release and  are making it available to every HOP user, as is the case with any upgrades that are not property specific. At the final stage of creating a new  reservation in HOP, on the summary screen, you can now select which Email  confirmation you would like to send to the guest, before confirming the  reservation. In order to do so, you will first need to set up your Email templates:

        Email Templates

If you click on Administration – Email templates, you will see  that your current confirmation email is logged here as template type  “Reservation Confirmation”. If you click  on it, you can edit your current email template, you will notice that it is set  as the current default. You can now set up additional Confirmation Emails, as  well as Pre and Post Stay Emails.

To do so, click on “Add” when you are under Administration –  Email templates. Type in a name for your new template and select the type from  the drop down below.

Next, write the subject line for your new Email template. Below  the subject field is a text editor for you to compose your email. The editor  has been overhauled and extended, you can now easily add additional custom fields  (such as “Booker Name”) and add images. You can use the button below the text  editor to get an instant preview of your new template. Click save to make the  template available on your system with immediate effect.


    Pre Stay and Post Stay Emails

In the course of overhauling the Email functionality, we have  also redeveloped the Pre and Post Stay Emails. Click on “Email content” and  then “Add”. You can leave the “From Email” blank, unless you are using your own  SMTP server, in this case you can select a value from the drop down. Per  default, the Email address that you have entered under Administration–Property  will be used as the “from” sender.

Next, select Pre or Post Stay as your Email type and chose a  template from the drop down (you will need to set up those templates under  “Email Templates” first). Enter a time in days (before arrival/departure) and  click save. 

As previously, any Email confirmations, Pre and Post Stay Emails  will also be logged in the CRM, click on Individuals or Corporate, select an  entry and go to the “correspondence” tab.


Charge per  person (Events)

We have had the request from several members of the HOP family  to alter the way charges on events are handled. You can now have articles  charged on a per guest (per adult/child/infant) basis or choose to select a  previously selected package. To do so,  select “set manual rates” on the details screen when editing an existing event  or setting up a new one. On the “Rates” tab, click on “Add Charge” and select  an article and tick the “charge per guest” tick box. Then, enter the amount for  the article (dinner, e.g.) per adult, per child and per infant – you’ll see the  total amount displayed in the “total amount” field straight away and can enter  any additional info in the free text field at the bottom of the article charge.  Click on “add charge” again to include another article. Don’t forget to click  save on the event before leaving the page.

The pro forma invoice then will include a breakdown (for example  - 20 adults x £20, 10 children x £15) for any article, the final invoice will  state the totals per category (food, accommodation, etc.).


    Per person charges on Invoice

Further  to the auto calculation of the article cost times number of people, this is now  also shown broken down on the pro forma invoice.


Events – Print  Function Sheets

We have added an area to the Events Management Module: You can  now set up your own function sheets, customise and print those off for  individual events, or print function sheets for all events in your system in  order to share the essential information of an event with your staff, guests,  or third parties.

Under “Events” click on “Function Sheets”, click “Add” and  create a new function sheet. After saving it, it will immediately be available  at the “Manage Events” Screen. In addition to the previous “print event  summary” option, you can now select the function sheet you would like to use  for printing off the event.


Time limit for  same day bookings

If you would like to stop guests making same day bookings via  your website (HOP booking engine) for a certain period of time, e.g. after  6pm), you can now do this via the PMS. To do so, please click on Administration  – Booking Engine and then scroll down to “Same Day Booking Time Restrictions”.  The message you type in here will be shown to guests who attempt to make an  online booking after the time you specify in the time field – this will revert  back after midnight.


Add Credit Card  logos (Booking Engine)

You can now select which Credit Card logos should be displayed  on your booking engine website. To do so, please go to Administration – Booking  Engine. On this page, scroll to the section “Credit Card Logos” at the bottom  of the page. Select “Mastercard, Maestro, Visa, American Express, JCB” from the  drop down and click “update”, this will display the selected credit card logos  on your booking engine instantly.


Extended Company  Details (Booking Engine)

Some third parties (for example payment gateway providers)  require you to display your full registered company address on the booking  engine. We have now added the option for you to display this information. To do  so, please click on Administration – Booking Engine and scroll down to “Company  Details”. If you enter your registered company address and click on “Update”,  this will instantly be displayed on the booking engine, below the Terms and  Conditions.


Merge Corporate  Profiles

To tidy up any duplicate entries you may have, you can now also  merge corporate profiles in your CRM (previously this option was only available  to individual profiles). To do so, please go to CRM-Corporate. Next to the  company name, to the right, there’s a little arrow pointing down. Click this to  open a drop down menu and select “merge profile”. A pop up window with a search  bar will appear – enter the name of the company you want to merge with this  entry, tick the respective box and click “merge”.


Name conventions

In this release we have extended the allowed characters in the  “Guest Name” field types. Previous issues with double-barrel names and special characters  (for example “O’Hara”) are fixed and you will be able to enter and save as  usual.


Metric  Comparison Report

This report, under Reports – Management has been updated in the  current release. You can now compare three years of data, there are bar charts  added to the display and the trendline visibility has been improved. RevPar,  ARR and Occupancy data is pulled into this report, you can filter it by room  groups and days of the week.


CRM Reports

The filters you can search by have been extended. We have added  a “Countries” drop down and allowed for the “free text search” (top left of the  page) to search for postcodes. These new features are available for both the  “Individuals” and the “Corporate” report, located under Reports/CRM.

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