Product Release - 18.12.2018

Posted about 6 years ago by [email protected]

Today’s  release includes two major additions to the reservations management – Group Booking  Management and Bulk Check In / Bulk Check out, the availability to switch off  selling rooms via the booking engine and several smaller upgrades.

The new  features will be available on your system as of lunch time today. Please don’t  hesitate to get in touch with support for any questions and please inform any  staff member working with hop of the changes.



· Group Booking Management

· Bulk Check In / Bulk Check Out

· Stop selling on Booking Engine

· Room Status shown on Manage Reservation for RESX

· CRM Reports – Additional Filters

· CRM Merge Corporate Profiles


Group booking management

This release includes the functionality to create and manage  group reservations in hop. To make use of the feature in full, you will first  need to set up several Emails that are tied in with the group booking  management. Those are Quote, Confirmation, Pro forma Invoice and Invoice.

Please click on Administration, Email templates, then “Add”.  Chose a template type from the drop down and provide a name for the Email (this  is internal), provide a Subject for the Email and set up the email in the text  editor, this works just as with the confirmation config: You have a number of  “custom fields” that you can insert in the email body in order to provide  specific information (booker name, total cost, e.g.). You have a preview mode  available (click the button on the bottom left beneath the text editor), once  you’re done, click save. Repeat this for the other templates (Confirmation, Pro  Forma and Invoice). 

Now, click on Reservations, Group Reservations. Click  “Create New” to start a new group reservation. First, set the arrival date and  provide the number of nights, then chose how many rooms of which room type you  need (you can add multiple room types with the green/white “+” button) and  select a rate plan and any additional services or extras. The lower half of the  screen (Market, Source, etc.) is the same as for individual reservations. Provide  a provisional expiry date and click save.

You’re now taken back to the Group Reservations screen and  will see the reservation you just created. Here, you can click the little arrow  pointing down next to the RES number and edit the Group Reservation, edit the  Reservation, email the quotation, accept the quotation or cancel the group  reservation. Once the Quotation is set to accepted, you can no longer edit the  Group reservation, but you can still edit the Reservation.

If you click on edit Group Reservation, you can change any  of the previously chosen settings. If you have triggered an Email, this will  show under the “correspondence tab” in the group reservation. After emailing  the quote and setting it to accepted, you can Email the Pro Forma Invoice, if  you update it as “payment received”, this will reflect in the status, indicated  on the very right of the screen. Please bear in mind that this does not impact  the balance of the reservation, once you have received payment, you’ll need to  log this in the respective transaction screen.


Reservations – Bulk Check in / Bulk check out

We have added a new feature that allows you to check in and  check out multiple guests in one go. Please keep in mind that the night audit  still needs to be run accordingly, for check in the room needs to be “vacant  clean” and for check out the balance needs to be zero.

To check out multiple guests at once, please to go  Reservation, Bulk Check in and set the check in date. All RES in the system  that need to be checked in will show in the list. Tick the box, top left of  “Reservation Number”, to select all reservations and set all rooms to “vacant  clean” using the tick box at the top of the screen to make sure the rooms have  the right status.

Next, click “check in selected” – if all rooms are  unoccupied, you will successfully check all guests in, a green tick will be  shown on the right of the screen. If one or several check ins are blocked, you  will see a red x on the right of the screen for each RES that was not checked  in, click on the “x” to see the details why the guest could not be checked in.

To check out multiple guests at once, go to Reservation,  Bulk Check Out and set the date. As for check in, tick the box top left to mark  all check outs, click “check out selected”. Any reservations that cannot be  checked out by the system will show a red “x” on the right, click the “x” to  show the reason (usually the balance will not be zero).


Stop selling rooms on booking engine

Some members of the hop family have asked us to provide a  way to “switch off” the booking engine from a certain time of day on. We have  developed this feature and included it in the current release.

To use this functionality, please go to Administration,  Booking Engine. Scroll to the bottom of the screen to “Same Day Booking Time  Restrictions”. Tick the box to enable the restriction and key in a time (GMT),  provide a message in the text box and click “update settings”.

If a guest tries to make a booking through your website  after the time specified here, they will not be able to do so, but (after  selecting a room type or rate plan) will get the message you typed in the text  box prompted; usually this message will say something along the lines of “Please  contact us on 07xxxx for any enquiries”.

Please note that the restriction is in place indefinitely  after you’ve switched it on, unless you untick the “enable” box.



Room Status shown on Manage Reservation for RESX

If you are in the manage reservations area of hop and click “group  by reservation” you will see the RESX listing with the room reservations. This  view now includes an additional column showing the room status, if a room is  assigned to the rooms reservation.


CRM Reports – Additional Filters

We have added additional filters for both the CRM  Individuals and CRM corporate report. Please go to Reports, CRM and then choose  either “Corporate” or “Individual” to access the report dashboard. The free  text field now also accepts searching by post code and there is a “countries”  drop down for you to further specify your search.


CRM Merge Corporate Profiles

We have added the functionality to merge corporate profiles.  This works the same way as for individual profiles: Go to CRM, Corporate and  click the little arrow pointing down next to the Name. Select “Merge Profile”  and, in the pop-up window, search the corporate account you want to merge this  one with, click “merge” to perform the action.

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[email protected] posted about 6 years ago Admin

Hi Kerstin, thanks for getting in touch. It would be best to create a support ticket in this instance (you've posted this on a public forum), if you could please provide the RES number or group booking name in the ticket we'll look into this for you right away, many thanks and kind regards

HOP Support

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Kerstin Smith posted about 6 years ago


re group booking management - I have put a few group bookings on now and just noticed that the rate will revert back to the rate set up in the rate plan after I have amended it to what I would like it to read - can you please have a look at that. Even after going back into the group reservation and amending the rate to what I want it to be for each room, it reverts back to the £75 I have got set up for rate plan GINC

(I need to manually amend the rate on my rate plans at times as we have different rates for different months. )

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